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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Drivers of Success

(Click on title above for link to article)

The Dale Carnegie Immersion Seminar here at our Bordentown location started on Weds March 10. We were looking at the 5 drivers of success in the class.

The drivers are: Self-confidence, people skills, communication skills, leadership, and controlling our attitude or stress management.

The participants in the session concluded that these key concepts are pivotal to the on going viability of individuals in all business situations. Recently my friend Kevin Sensenig wrote an article about these concepts in Quality Magazine. The link above will give you his article. I highly suggest that you read it.

Kevin is VP of Organizational Development with Dale Carnegie and Associates, and more importantly he is an insightful writer. You will find Kevin's thoughts to be creative, and applicable. The best idea's are the one's with highest "stickiness" factor and this article has Gorilla glue in it.

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